Tag Archives: sunday reading


Lots have been happening this week! Alexa and I went to Flying Fish last Saturday (hopefully the post will be up this week), I got a new recipe to put up this week, Alexa worked out like a beast, my CSA started up, and I am buying a house! So I’ll make a quick little break down for the big news

Alexa and Keith and their Super Challenge

Alexa and her workout buddy Keith decided to do The Murph Challenge together. So what did she do? Well, she and Keith divided up the workout, but it is still pretty tough. Overall she and Keith had to run a mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and then run another mile. The website says to do it in a 20lb vest, but that didn’t happen. But I am cringing at the 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, and 150 squats that Alexa had to do. The running, pft… easy. I’m super proud of you Alexa, sticking with working out and signing up for new challenges.

Jennifer and Hubs Buy a House

Yup, I am finally entering the work of home ownership and it is scary. So we are going to buy a townhouse in a development, which isn’t my cup of tea, but we get a lot more bang for our buck. Plus we don’t have to worry about any damage to the outside of the place, including siding, lawn, or roof. The kitchen is nicer than the one we have, we get two jacuzzi tubs, two showers, and three toilets. I am SO excited to pee at the same time as my husband- on different toilets that is. Beyond excited guys. Anyone living with other people with one bathroom understand where I’m coming from! Anyways, you may see boing house stuff on the blog, or just notice a drop in posts since I will be packing, moving, and unpacking.

Fernbrook Farms Starts Up!

If you’ve been reading the blog for awhile, you might of heard me talk about going to my CSA every Saturday to pick up my produce share. I’ve written some posts about it, but mostly just post photos of the area. Towards the end of the produce season I started to make a list of what I got from the farm, and I think I want to do that again. I figured I would try just writing up on my Sunday posts, though if people want to see something more defined, like photos of the produce and the meals I make, maybe they will make their own posts… but I am not sure yet. Anyways, look forward to the addition on Sunday Reads guys!

Farm Round Up:

What I got:
1 bunch Collard Greens
2 bunches Kale (1 Tuscan and 1 White Russian)
1 quart strawberries
2 heads of lettuce
1/2 bag of spinach

What I’m cooking
BBQ Collard Green and Black Eyed Pea Sandwiches
Queso Blanco Bowl with Crispy Kale
Penne Pasta with Gingered Lentils and Spinach
Chocolate Ice Cream Topped with Strawberries


This dish on Vegan Richa looks amazing.  I never know what to do with radishes other than to thinly slice them into salads. I definitely give this a try.

I love cutesy decorations for food, but most involve meats, eggs, cheese or fish. So I was happy to see these cute little cat falafels, which pretty much means you can do it with any sort of bean patties really.


The new issue of Grid Magazine is being distributed. Jon and I are featured in it, but if you don’t live in the area, you can read it online.

Do you live in New Jersey? Do you need a happy pick me up? Well, I have only sad news about our public transportation. Sorry. More awareness, the more complaints, the more pressure to solve the problem.

If you are near Philadelphia then you will be happy to see the BIG RUBBER DUCKIE! I can’t wait to see it, and hopefully Alexa can make a trip out to see it as well.


So avian flu is intensifying and major chains are looking for egg alternatives. The New York Times writes an article speculating if companies will take more vegan options, and possibly stick with them. I don’t think companies will go full vegan, but it would sure be nice.

So have anyone gotten friction burn before? Well, I’ve been getting it for the first time ever- in my arm pits! It is awful! It is just too humid and I run too damn fast in my Orangetheory classes. But surprisingly The Nest wrote an article that is useful! I will try it out and get back to you guys if it worked.

Choosing Raw has yet another great post about veganism. This time Gena writes about the shared food experience. I pretty much agree with the whole thing, and made me think of my family. Maybe I will write a post about food and my family.

Offbeat Home writes a great article about how sword fighting helped a woman have a better relationship with her body. I love hearing about people work out and don’t feel better because their tummy is smaller, but because they are amazed by what their body can do.


I am loving these super cute outfits from this lolita meet up. I particularly like this outfit, as it looks like a cross between lolita and vintage.

Perfume released a new single. I am LOVING these outfits…. I need to make one for myself.


Hey guys. Alexa came down to visit yesterday and we went to Flying Fish Brewery which was a lot of fun. I really like major breweries that have nice tasting rooms to make a cheap day-drinking bar. We will be posting a more in depth review of it, this week.

Alexa’s little brother Trevor James is performing in the Crossfit Games yesterday in the Northeat regionals. He is currently ranked number 10 but ranked first in the fifth event! Trevor snatched a record breaking 279 lbs! Whoo! There is a little article on the Crossfit website here and here

Fun Stuff:

So I saw these cool shades on Dita Von Teese’s instagram account. Loving them.

This dress is just amazing.

These photos are just amazing by Kaylah.

One of the photographers from my wedding keeps a blog where he photographs local restaurants. One of recent posts is about his vegan parents. I love it.

Smart Stuff:

New York Times wrote and interesting article about how lack of exercise can mess up your circadian rhythm. The study made me think of my cat, and I wonder if she get consistent enough exercise. Which gives me more motivation to get a bigger place to more space to run and exercise.

SciShow shares a study where flies were showing signs of fear! It was a really cool study and challenges if bugs have emotions.

Feeling a little blue? Thinking about how hard it is to get a house, pay rent, and so on? Well, I think I mentioned briefly that my husband and I are looking for a house and once crunching the numbers what we could afford has gone down because taxes were so high. Apparently they are much higher than everyone else. The New Jersey average is $8,000 for property tax, only 0.2 homeowners in the whole of the United States pay that much! Not looking for pity, just a good “at least it isn’t that bad” thing to tell yourself.


I’ve been in a weird mood lately. I think it is mostly the weather and stress. The weather has been hot and muggy, and I am mentally not getting use to it. Is that weird? It is like my body and brain is just giving a big ol’ nope when it comes to productivity. Shopping around for a house has been weird. We don’t have much money, which means very little to choose from. And then there is the concept of resale value. My god, resale value. It is enough to rip out your soul and personality. I think that concept alone is enough to make me hate house hunting. Seriously.

BUUUUUT…… it is my birthday and I am pumped for that. I was able to go for a run this morning, we went to an open house (which is probably confirming our need for a house over a townhouse), and for dinner we are going into Philadelphia for a dinner at Charlie Was A Sinner. Yesterday, we made a chocolate 2 layer cake and pizza. So life is good in that sense. 


These photos of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park by Kaylah are awesome.

Some of these hotel rooms are amazing– I mean some are sleeping in little spheres in the forest!

I heard I’m Sorry by Inflatable Boy Clams on the radio on the way home on Friday and it just made my day.

For real, this bathing suit is art. Ugh, I hate loving one pieces so much. They suck when you have to pee.

For those who are into the culinary arts, and photography, I’m drooling over these Shiitake Bok Choy dumplings.

Kanaho’s Show has posted a bunch of posts with great photography. My two favorite collections are MIZUHO and TOKYO.


I love hearing about new species.

Reading this article that defends coffee is nice and refreshing. So many people and health nuts are quick to dismiss coffee as a bad thing, though I still think it can be bad if you are dependent on it for energy. I never feel “buzzed” when drinking coffee, and I only notice that my hand get jittery because I just keep drinking for the flavor. XD


So it is worth noting that I (Jennifer) am not a huge comic book SUPERHERO fan. It isn’t like I hate it, just never got into American comics in that way. But Alexa on the other hand is very into comics, and reads some of the superheroes. But even still, I don’t watch the new superhero blockbusters, but I knew there were some hubbub about Black Widow. I read a few articles and I think NPR wrote a great article, which sums up how I feel about what I HAVE seen with superhero women. The article made me feel inspired to write a post of one of my favorite comics, Ray. So hopefully that will be up later this week.

Huffington Post wrote a small piece playing off the phrase “gives zero fucks“.

Flashback Summer writes two interesting posts about people of color wearing vintage clothing. I love vintage, and I love vegan food, both are online communities that are associated with white people. Emileigh sets it up by interviewing pinup girls of color and ask them about the issues they face and why they think there are less people of color that are into vintage clothing.


Hey guys, sorry to the delayed Sunday Reading post. I mentioned how my husband and I are looking for a house right? Well, things have been tense and stressful since this is HUGE FUCKING DEAL! I feel like the typical American steps are to go to college, then buy a car, get a paying job, rent an apartment, then get a house. Sure there are odd steps in between or you might go to one step before the other (both Jon and I got apartments before getting a car) but each time to do it you get a big heavy weight on your chest as you are signing the papers and handing money to strangers.

Well, my point is that yesterday my husband had a panic attack of “OH GOD WE CAN’T AFFORD THIS!” which he never does, so I started to freak out. It isn’t hard for me to freak out since I am usually the first to start to freak out about our income. But luckily we sat down with his father, hashed out our income and found out, yes we couldn’t afford the houses we were looking at, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as what we thought. The biggest blow? We COULD afford our dream house if we lived in another state, the taxes in New Jersey are just colossal. 

Speaking of houses, the picture above is from one we were looking at. It was a pretty sweet house, and I just wanted cut off some of it and drop it into a different house. They had a cool sun room that had french doors that led into the kitchen (which was AH-mazing)  and it had this funny mini statue of liberty lamp. But the house was 1) totally out of price range, and 2) not very kid friendly so it was booted from out shopping list.

Well, we got over our “it sucks to be a millennial” freakout and we are happily enjoying ourselves again. Thought I can’t wait till we buy this house and start saving money again… one of the things we aren’t buy to save money is beer. It is driving me a little nuts. But on the plus, I am sober and learning a bunch, and loosing some belly because of less calories consumed. Anyways, here are some fun things on the internet.


Um… these beetroot tartlets look AMAZING! I am thinking about making them when we get our first harvest of beet at my CSA… just three more weeks. Can’t wait till the end of May!

A super short article about how people are trying to preserve the cacao plant.

Jon is making me a cake for my birthday, and I have been craving a good old fashioned layered cake. I don’t know how long it has been since going vegan. I just can’t decide on which cake I want though! Any help guys?


An interesting article about stress and sugar cravings, basically saying that sugar helps reduce the effects of stress. BUT they don’t mean it in a good way. The funny thing is that I know someone who eat LOTS of sugar, and all the symptoms made me think of this person.

A great opinion blog post from Sayward about chilling out about nutrition. I use to work in a healthy based fast food restaurant and I was constantly being bombarded with facts and opinions about health. It became clear pretty fast there was a lot of facts that contradict each other. Or people who would make bad decisions because they wanted the “healthiest” option without weighing their options. So many times I’ve been asked “What is the healthiest drink?” The real answer was “depends on what you body needs” but no one wants to hear that. 

NPR wrote a great article about miscarriages and their stigma in society. I think people need to be more open about it to prevent any misconceptions, and provide emotional help.

Gertie is going to release a body positive sketch book for designing clothing. I am loving it since she is making it possible to add or take for each individual body types!


Any noise fans out there? I know I am in the minority, but I found this article really interesting. As a fan of experimental music, and noise music (which is pretty much just a type of experimental music) I was drawn into this article about Japanese Noizu. Oh boy… it is definitely noizy

I wish I had $140 to drop on these cute Margot and Richie dolls! It makes me think of my engagement shoot.

Don’t want a box of chocolates? Try out these box of succulents!

Kaylah has some great photographs of a bunch of cute little guys. One being a tiny little flying squirrel, so cute!

Jamie is having a fun reading bingo game! I might try it out.

Any cake suggestions for my husband to make for birthday? I can never get sick of a classic two layer cake.


Aww! It’s Alexa werkin out with her little bb brother!

This week is pretty mellow, I guess. I haven’t felt very passionate about what to share with everyone this week. Or maybe it is because so much of the articles I felt were important this week have been about Baltimore and Nepal. So maybe this week I feel a little like I should share happy stuff, and hopefully everyone has been keeping up to date on the other events.

I will be spending my day prepping hubs lunches (chopped veggies and cookies), making homemade peanut butter, and doing some spring cleaning. What about you guys? Any weekend plans?

Good News:

I don’t eat Nutella anymore because of the dairy, but there are tons of fun ways to use nut shells in an eco friendly way.

This is an interesting article about how Daniel Patterson and Roy Choi are working to build a healthy fast food restaurant for lower income families.

I love Kaylah’s super inspirational article about biking everyday for 30 days

Vegan Stuff:

Bite Size Vegan does a great post and video about vegan tattoos. She was so much more thorough than I was, and she gives great links to various products that are vegan.

Jon Stewart is opening up a sanctuary for animals? I forgive you leaving the Daily Show.

Oh and his wife is writing a book about how to live with animals. I am interested in this as well.

My birthday is coming up and I wish I could go to this Vegan Beer Festival that is happening the day before my birthday!

Vegan Shit At Franklin Fountain:

Okay so one of my favorite stores isn’t all vegan, but it offers a lot of customization for vegans. Franklin Fountain is an ice cream parlor that is gives a nod to soda jerks. They feature seasonal treats, rotating coconut milk ice cream, and tons more. So their recent blog post features these vegan snacks:

  • Dairy-Free Strawberry and Green Tea Ice Creams (I am thinking of a rose soda with a scoop of green tea? Rose Matcha float anyone?)
  • Looks like their Wiener Eiskaffee can be veganized (with their vegan vanilla ice cream and coconut whipped cream)
  • Pinolero is the new soda drink… which looks super interesting- cornmeal, coconut cream, cocao and cinnamon

Oh yeah, anyone recognize Alexa’s brother? My hint is that if you recognize him, you probably are a die-hard crossfitter. xD


Hey guys. Pretty weird morning. I’m a little anxious since my husband and I will be going to our first look at potential houses to buy. We went to open houses in the past, and looked online at houses, but this is the first time looking at houses with a realtor. Very scary.

But some cool things are sinking in, like being able to grow herbs, berries, produce, and flowers in a backyard. I could even workout and do stretches in the backyard. Or having plenty of running space for Toulouse (since her tummy rolls over her feet when she sits down). Maybe have two people in the kitchen in the morning and not compete for space. Or a garage to park cars in. OMG a dishwasher, I like doing dishes, but I would love to just put a plate and bowls in a dishwasher.

Anyways, I am trying to think of the good things, not the expensive scary things. Being an adult is scary stuff guys. Anyways, here are my favorite picks this week.

Vegan Food:

My kombucha scoby is getting out out of control so I made some kombucha candy. It was alright, but I am looking at this Kombucha Caviar and Kombucha Scoby Jerky for the next overgrown scoby!

Last Tuesday my friend Chrissy and I went to Dizengoff, a new middle eastern (sort-of) restaurant. Ted Nghiem just photographed the place as well. Good timing?

I am a little curious about trying out this Amaranth Granola cereal. Always trying to find quick fairly low cal/easy to digest pre-run breakfast foods.


New York Times wrote an article about how much exercise is just enough to reap the benefits. I’ve been thinking about this a lot since I use to walk to work almost everyday, or at least 20-40 minutes a day. Then I stopped and gained about 10 pounds. This article kind-of made my lack of walking make sense. Sometimes low-impact exercise has a bigger impact on you than you think. Lesson learned? I gotta start biking to work again. XD

The Fitnessista has some great tips on how to keep healthy on a budget. A lot of these tips are ones that I already do, hell yeah to running!

A cool article about the diet from Okinawa, a Japanese island with longest living population. What I find cool is that they have an almost vegan diet, with only 2% meat consumption. Funny thing is that unlike most vegans that scare people by saying how horrible meat is to your health, I don’t think that. But I think people should be eating a fuckload less meat than they do now.

Vegan Life:

Sayward from Bonzai Aphrodite was featured in a video by Eco Vegan Gal with her son, talking about what it is like to raise a vegan kid. Man she gives me lots of optimism about teaching kids about veganism, and gives me hope that maybe I could raise my kids on a vegan diet.

On the same note, Seitan is My Motor wrote about her struggles with raising a kid vegan- hell vegetarian. She talks about why her kid isn’t vegan, and I support her decision as raising a kid with another person means compromise.

Fun Stuff:

I am not a huge mermaid person but I am loving this bathroom themed roundup from Offbeat Home.

This etsy shop has amazing photo prints of live flowers and drawings.

My husband’s dream has come true- Spirited Away will be released on BluRay. (no joke I got an email titled YES!YES!YES!x120 from my husband and I thought, what happened? Like did Spirited Away get released on BluRay… yup)

I can only hope to be this fabulous at this age while walking my dog.


Hey guys I am pooped today. My husband and I went for 9+ mile hike today. At the time I felt a little bummed about ending the hike, I felt like I could keep going, but once I sat down it all sank in. I got some soup cooking and I am ready to watch the newest episode of Once Upon a Time and series finale of Gilmore Girls. Side note, I’ve only two clips of Gilmore Girls before I sat down and watched the whole series via Netflix, and I am finding out I literally saw parts of the very first episode and the very last episode. Very very weird. Anyways your reading:


I had a big “duh” moment when I read Emily’s new chia pudding recipe on her blog. Instead of using a milk, she just blends almond butter into water. I am getting a little tired of just simply having two shakes in the morning, so maybe having a pre-run chia pudding will shake things up.

OMG gotta get some dates so I can make these Ooey Gooey Caramel Bars.

What a brilliant idea for using cauliflower leaves- roasting them as a little side dish.

When I get my carrots from my CSA I have to try out this Carrot Top Pesto. Instead of using oil Lacy uses tofu, and I hate that oily-greasy feeling in pesto.

Mental Health:

I’ve always at a weird feeling about plus size models. It was great to see different body types but it felt like it was creating new difficult body standard. Good thing I am not alone. I want to see more plus size models, but I want to see more in-between, more girls with realistic bellies, etc.

This is in interesting article about how body positivity focuses so much on everyone is beautiful, and it is missing the point a little. As an artist I feel like there is always something beautiful about everything, I also know that angles, make-up, lighting, context, all make something more attractive… but overall I think the article hits something we should remember, beauty isn’t everything.


LA Times had a fun interactive how much water do you use for your dinner page. But I call bullshit on their water numbers for meat versus beans. A quick search reveals that a pound of beef, pork, and mutton need more water than chickpeas or lentils. But the Huffington Post has a cool comparison of which food uses more water. Some information was surprising- chocolate and vanilla! Holy cow so much water!

Fun Stuff:

These sunglasses are magical (and so are the photos). Too bad they are already sold out.. but let’s be real, I probably wouldn’t of bought them anyways.

I am in love with this dress.

A list of top bars to sit outside at in Philadelphia. I’ll be busy this summer.

I love when artists use layers to create extra depth to their art. Kate Gabrielle made this awesome layered painting of a misty beach scene. It is beautiful and a surprising change from her normal bubbly art.

This couple just stole my heart!


Thank god fitness has evolved for women because this would be sooo boring.


My cat waits for Jon and I to come back from our day out in Philly.

This week has been gross and drizzly. I’ve been sooo unmotivated. Sure I’ve been running, but it has been slow and not very fun. I didn’t want to cook or clean or even read. Nothing has been touched on the blog for the most part. But this weekend really spun everything around. Just Saturday morning I made a grocery list and I thought “my god, I just decided on 4 new recipes that I can put on the blog….” Funny how weather can effect your mood and creativity.

So this weekend has been beautiful. Saturday I went for a 3 mile run that usually takes me 30 minutes. When I got home my husband looked shocked and asked if I took a short run that morning. I just had a great run and really enjoyed myself, I guess it reflected in how fast I ran! We went into Philly for the day to see the new Kano exhibit. We then proceeded to walk to the art museum (2.75 mi), then walk to Blackbird Pizzeria (3 mi) and ate a whole pie together. Then decided to walk to the train stop furthest from the pizzeria (1.15 mi). We walked a whopping 6.9 miles, not including walking around the museum. So my little feet traveled 10 miles overall! I think I deserved all 4 slices of the best vegan pizza ever. (in case you wondering our pizza had arugala, cherry tomatoes, seitan sausage, pumpkin seed pesto, pepper flake, and tofu ricotta.)


I just bought a bunch of mangos (14 champagne mangos to be exact!) and I think these beer-battered tofu tacos with mango salsa need to be made!

Speaking of mangos, there is an AWESOME Mango Carrot Cake that I should of made for Easter dinner. Bummer.

Health News:

I remember so many conversations about feeling “fat” when I worked at a restaurant and after a certain point I choice not to participate in those conversations (not even saying ‘but you look so good!’). There is a good reason why I wouldn’t participate, fat talk is bad for our mental state.

Although I don’t think all of America’s obesity problem isn’t really a problem (some people simply eat too many unhealthy foods) but this article reminds us that skinny doesn’t mean healthy, and fat-shaming isn’t healthy either.

This is an interesting article about how studies found that people were happier with spending their money on experiences and not things.

This article wasn’t what I was expecting, it was better. I think making children diet is horrible. If your child needs more exercise or a healthier diet, to me, that means the FAMILY needs to exercise and change their diet.

Fun Stuff:

Kaylah linked this cool urban geode street art project. I looked at it and thought “I think I saw something like this!” Turns out they have some in Philadelphia and I think Jon and I passed by it. I tried finding some pieces and I have a feeling some might of been taken down already. Bummer. But I’ll try again soon.

I got my mystery dress from Modcloth and I got this awesome dress for $15!

Anyone remember livejournal? I wasn’t huge on it, but this article reminded me of my techie teenage years.

I love this photo shoot on Specs and the City. I love the liberation of self made fashion shoots, but I am not a huge fan of being in front of the camera, I rather be behind it. Maybe I should do a shoot with Alexa…?

I’m super in love with these new nail wraps. I’ve been wearing the same wrap for the ENTIRE WEEK! Which is a big deal considering my nail polish chips on the same day. I’m going to have to stock up.


This new documentary about queer farming (farmers that are queer, not queers harvesting more queers, duh) looks bitchin.

This video is a little long, but well worth the watch. Maysoon Zayid is a funny woman and has some great point about disabilities in the US.

I watched Major Lazer’s video for Get Free for the first time. It was awesome. The filming is very cinéma vérité and makes me think of documentaries like Harlan County, USA and Always for Pleasure.

Mind blown by this fish:

Happy Easter everyone! I decided to take a week off of blogging to catch up and start writing some blog drafts that I started so long ago. I haven’t done that. I just managed to not work on anything this week. I ended up being so much more busy than I expected. I ended up visiting my Mother who badly hurt her hip, my sister from New York came down and we got drinks (at V Street and The Franklin Mortgage & Investing Co. if you were curious) Now I am finding myself using this weekend making Carrot Cake Truffles (after my carrot cake broke into pieces) and catching up on blog posts. 


I am always hesitant to make raw desserts since they use lots of cacao butter and coconut flesh. But these peanut butter bars look super easy!

Olives For Dinner is making me swoon for her Red Curry and Coconut Ginger Sauce and Crispy Tofu and Fire Noodles.

Vegan News:

I love Angela’s post about if she will raise her daughter vegan, and I am sad to hear that she got some negative feedback. I have to agree with her point of view, and that you can only do so much to raise a child vegan. Think about if you are a catholic, you can bring your child to church, make them practice lent, etc etc. But ultimately you don’t have control over if they continue to practice. What about if a jewish child follows a kosher diet, I am sure they have eaten non-kosher foods when eating at a friends house. When people ask “will you raise your child vegan” I find it a little annoying. If veganism is what you think is morally best for the world, then you will teach that to you children and hope they follow.

Disney World has a vegan bakery!

Other News:

There are calling for a boycott on Indiana.

Coyote spotted on a bar roof on Long Island.

A great photo essay about Swedish fathers using their maternity leave.


I am loving these photos from Kanaho’s blog.

Just bought this print and saw this awesome pin from the same etsy shop.

Kaylah wrote a cool post about different goals for her biking. I am loving this post and it makes me wonder what goals I want to set for myself.


I found this video SUPER awesome. So some vegans don’t consider bivalves to be off limits. And I get that since there is evidence that plants might have some form of pain, and at very least have electrical currents to move. So it is interesting to watch this video talking about whether or not a Portuguese man o’ war is multicellular organism or a colony.

There are so many great facts about pigs in this video, many I would say are arguments to not eat pigs. Which is funny since the video is suppose to raise money for staff porkchop party fund.


I went to my Grandmother’s on Saturday for the family Easter get together. I talked about the trip last year, which is a grueling trip to Amityville Long Island. Things worth noting? My outfit was pretty much the same- same shoes, same skirt, different shirt and tights. ha. Yes, it is Amityville as in the Amityville Horror, I really need to pick up that book. And Alec Baldwin and De La Soul are from Amityville, I wonder if they know my Grandma? Oh and most importantly Alien Ant Farm will be performing in a bar there in April. Betcha you didn’t know they still kept making music after Smooth Criminal. Neither did I.

Sidenote, I finally bought two bags of Vega protein powder. The more frequently I run, the more I want a quick shake. So I finally got the vanilla and berry smoothie powders and they have already been a huge lifesaver. I made a shake with the berry powder, a banana, and strawberries. Perfect. Today I had a mango blended up with kale, water, and the vanilla powder. Perfection!


This is giving me inspiration for the beets I get from my CSA…. months from now.

Gotta make these mole roasted chickpeas. She uses Kevita cinnamon tonic, so maybe I will make a special cinnamon kombucha for this.

Emily is making me drool with this strawberry cashew cream cake… hey I just got really cheap strawberries. Maybe I should be making this.

I am not the type of person who likes cutesy holiday themed sweets, but I am stealing this idea for my second Easter get together (uggg… married life)

Food/Vegan News:

New York Times talks about the myth of a high-protein diet. People are misinformed about when protein is important.

I loved this article since I have this debate often with my Mother in Law. We never get very far because we don’t actually know which would be more harmful for the environment- animal products or fake leathers.

Farmers are going on strike.

This article gave me hope that working conditions can improve in restaurants. Working in the food industry sucks, and it is hard to point the blame on a person. Most of the time it is just being misinformed.

Fun Stuff:

Coloring clubs for grown ass adults? I need to start my own chapter!

And OMG OMG OMG OMG I need this shoe! Too bad they don’t have my size T_T

What is going to happen in the frozen sequal? Experts give their predictions! Probably gonna be everyone’s birthday.

Alexa needs to come and visit me soon so we can walk around the gaybourhood and cross the street like we are fucking unicorns.

National Geographic talks about bioluminous life. Note: there are cool photos and a video on the left side when you are done reading the article.

Every year SXSW keeps getting cooler and cooler acts. Last year it was Glen Check, this year it is PERFUME! Apparently they released a stellar live video (meaning a video you create/edit in real time) that has been described as being from the future.