Tag Archives: feminism


Alexa is going a little cray-cray with the little bub app

Yesterday was a really good day. We woke up early, drove to the farm and picked up our share. We also picked up our parent’s share which meant I took some double shares for the food they normally don’t eat- like ground cherries and tomatillos. So that was pretty nice. We also then drove to the orchard and picked up some (okay a lot) of peaches. We also picked up some shiro plums, but they are SUPER ripe. I was so distracted about them being ripe I didn’t even think to make anything fancy with them until I was trying to find a page about them. Well, it looks like I am up to my neck in ripe fruit. Cantaloupe, blackberries, ground cherries, peaches and plums. Mmm…

Then we ended the night by hanging out with my friend Chrissy. She was house sitting for her sister, who lives in the burbs like us. So we made some burritos, she supplied the drinks, and talked for 5-6 hours. It was really nice considering we don’t hang out with people our age that often (at least when they aren’t related to us)

I think the overall crazy thing about keeping track of what I got from my CSA share is that I am very aware I eat it all. I never would of expected that. It also makes sense, I mean I am slashing out usually $30 from our grocery bills every week from all this produce. But we do eat things that don’t use farm produce, like bagels and oatmeal. So I wonder if I can eat everything up this week again. Though the red onion we got just looks too perfect to use.

Farm Round Up:

What I got:
11 tomatoes
1 large spaghetti squash
3 jalapenos
2 green bell peppers
14 beets
1 red onion
1 cantaloupe
1 pint blackberries
1 quarts green beans
1 quart ground cherries w/ husks
2 quarts purple tomatillos
1 quart sungold tomatoes
2 quarts cherry tomatoes
2 eggplants
16 pounds peaches
2 pounds shiro plums

What I’m cooking:
Kung Pao Style Beyond Chicken
Burritos with black beans, brown rice, baked tomatillo tofu, and salsa verde
Veganized spaghetti squash bake
Eggplant “Mac & Cheese”
Spaghetti and homemade cherry tomato sauce
Beet Bistro Burgers aka Quarter Pounder Beet Burgers
Possibly a peach pie or cobbler
Peach Smoothies
Shiro Plum Rye Smash

Reading for the Week:

So I’ve been looking for a fun Ghost Town to check out and found this story of Ong’s Hat. I don’t know about you guys, but I LOVE these type of stories, urban legends. Do I believe it? Uh… not really, especially after reading the Wikipedia page about Ong’s Hat.

I tend not to love these “I’m a vegan hear my roar shirts” (should that be made into a shirt?) But I really like this Vegans are Magical Unicorn shirt.

Jezebel teaches us about types of nipples. Puffy winkie nipples represent!

A friend posted this article about a couple who are saving up majority of their income for retirement. I have to say, many things they do we do, and I find the article a nice reminder that we all don’t need so much “stuff.” Granted, they aren’t really “retiring” just saving up to pursue a slower lifestyle.

Speaking of spending money, I recently just bought some air plants for my wedding gift (air plant planters!) They shipped, so I am pumped to get them in the mail!

I love hearing about how different cultures are from each other. I guess it reminds us that we aren’t as globally connected as we like to think, I mean even within small communities age differences even creates cultural gaps. So I found this blog post about raising a baby in Spain really interesting.

Oh resting bitch face


It’s Super Bowl Sunday! Truthfully I only started to care about the Super Bowl when I started dating Jon. He got me to start watching and liking football. Granted, I think I care a lot less than most people about the Super Bowl. I mean it is fun but I tend not to care if there isn’t a team I like going in. This years line up I am not too thrilled about, and if my husband didn’t have anything to say about it, I would be watching the Puppy Bowl instead.

But here are 5 articles or videos I found interesting this week:


U.S. Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit

I think all vegans and vegetarians have seen this article at some point in past two weeks. But if you haven’t, I highly recommend checking it out.  It is a hard read but an important one. 


Here’s What You Really Need to Stock up on for the Blizzard

If you live on the Eastcoast of the United States you probably heard about the blizzard. You also might of heard about the mad panic that New York (and the states below it) went through to have it be a big bust. There is always a joke that during storms people always grab toilet paper, eggs, milk, and bread. But The Kitchn makes their own stock up list, and I have to agree with them.


Green Bay’s Board-Game Obsession

Anyone a Settlers fan? A friend taught my husband and me how to play, and we enjoyed it a lot. As time passed I learned about how many other people were playing it, then I read this article. Complicated games for adults are thought of as nerdy, but it makes lots of sense that they should be fun for everyone. I think most people are just distracted by bars, tv, and movies.


Sexism is making women sick

This article hit home. As someone who use to live in Philadelphia, a city that has a pretty big catcalling problem, and moved the suburbs, I’ve noticed how my behaviors have changed. I cross the street when I see men walking, I walk down different blocks to avoid construction sites, and I tune out other people. So it is good to see evidence that what I do is normal.

Side note- I figured we should have a fuzzy cat as a photo instead of a stressed out woman, because why not?

The War on Ballsacks

Ever taken public transportation? Ever had to commute? If you have, I am sure you know that “rush hour” brings out the worse in people. At least everyone can have a sense of humor about it.



Man, now that Vegan Mofo is over, my reading material has completely changed. Plus my mind has shifted gears. I am looking at old post drafts and thinking “Oh yeah, I should still post that!” But I think this week’s collection of reading materials really shows the shift. Yeah, some are vegan. Some aren’t. Some are VERY VERY not vegan. I debate how it relates to this blog even. But I just thought it was so cool that I had to share.


Not All Who Blogs Bakes by Specs and the City

Melissa has a super cute photo collection of her recent baking journey. Not many words, but sometimes I think visuals are more powerful. I have a lot of beef with pinterest and blog. It creates weird standards. Perfect homes, crafts, cupcakes, holiday decor, clothes, drawings, cupcakes, cupcakes, oh and cupcakes. 

It seems that every blogger bakes and crafts, and that might not be everyone’s thing. It seems that there a cliches that are forming for female bloggers. Baking and fashion seems to go hand in hand. Melissa just made a photo series of her fight against blogging stereotypes rather that writing about it.

Side note- I am always down with ice cream and beer.


The Future of Animal Rights & Vegan Teen Tips by The Vegan R.D

I think it is important that parents learn about veganism when their kids make the transition. There is a lot of confusion and myths that surround veganism, which can scare parents. Educating parents help keep them active with their children’s interest, and understand them better. It might not convert them, but might cut in their animal consumption.

The article gives some basic tips to make eating easier for teens. Parents can use the information for tips on what to look out for with their kids needs. Some tips are just for easy preparations. For example they suggest freezing extra grains for easy reheating. A tip that helps everyone out really.


How to Dye Your Armpits by Offbeat Home

There seems to be a lot more buzz about armpit hair. I shave my armpits. I just don’t like the feel of hair there, and I have no idea how my husband bears it. I am fairly certain if I was a man I would still be shaving my armpits. But I really applaud women who are stepping up and are willing to let it all grow out because they just don’t like to shave there. It has become a HUGE social taboo. If I didn’t shave my legs, it would be okay. But armpits? It would make me a social outcast.

As I mentioned before, visuals can be louder than words. Something about saying “I want my armpits to match my cute hair” is a big smack in the face to social norms. It something that is really weird, but it looks so rad.


Chinese Space Children Painting

I’ve got a weird soft spot for Soviet Realism and art for communist propaganda. Then there is the weird world of Chinese Space art. I’ve seen a few before, as a way to get children excited about space travel. But some paintings are simply put odd. Many include traditional gods and goddesses waving to children in space. Other make little to no sense, like a naked baby talking on the phone. This small collection is really fun, and I hope everyone else enjoys them as much as I do.

Yeah, this link has little to do with food, fashion, feminism, but it does have to do with art (my love) and little with Sailor Moon (both Alexa and my love). I mean Sailor Moon comes from a space colony from the moon. So these kids are just trying to find her. Right?

Jessica’s Feminized Atmosphere by The Daily Show

Both Alexa and I have had our fair share of cat calls when living in Philadelphia and New York City. Some people find it flattering, most don’t. I know that once I moved back to the burbs it really has made me paranoid. I cringe at thought of passing by men and construction sites on my walk to work. Most of the time it is honking from cars rather than shouts.

I love this short by Jessica Williams. She pokes a little fun at the situation, and brings some awareness of how messed up cat calling can get. And I can totally relate. I avoided walking by one side of a HOSPITAL since I was constantly being harassed by the men. Seriously, a hospital.

I remember having even guys at my school get cat called by other men. This really creeped them out, and probably helped them understand how girls feel. I mean shouldn’t they feel complimented that all these guys think they look good? Duh, no. It’s creepy and annoying. Yes, some people like it, but most people don’t. 


Sorry guys that I have been a little absent lately. These past two weeks haven’t been fun. My fridge died, which resulted in porting my freezer contents over to my sister’s house, borrowing a mini-fridge and salvaging my food. I don’t think all of the food survived, so I got some food poisoning. Ugg… In short my digestion tract is shot, and food is pretty much on the bottom of list of things I want to talk about.

I am not a huge fan of weekly posts like “Friday Favorites” or the like, but I am really getting into the idea of Weekend posts that feature articles. I am finding that Weekend Reading is my favorite thing to read over on Choosing Raw. So I figure I would give it a try.

So every Sunday, I will post whatever I find really interesting that week. It might be a new article, a recipe, video clip, or blog post. And since I’ve been so sick, my first post features nothing about food. Good right?

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