Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been a bit of a bum lately. I have been pretty busy… sort of. It is mostly a case of I haven’t had much a chance to be on the computer, and when I did, I wouldn’t be in the mood. I am much more interested in snuggling with a blanket on the couch, which has really given me lots of reading time. If I had a laptop, I probably would be blogging just as much as I did before. But until the day someone just hands me their laptop, I will be using the one I have in my office.
I’ve fallen behind with my links for reading, so some of these article might seem pretty old, so sorry guys! XD I am rarely on top of these things lol. Well hopefully I will be writing more again this week and will get back into the swing of things.
Members of the U.S Women’s National Team File Federal Equal Pay Complaint
It is about time this happens. I really enjoyed the recent women’s world cup, but I was also a little sad hearing about how little these women were being paid. When complaining, someone replied with “well these girls won’t have to worry anymore with all their endorsement deals” like that solves the root of the problem. My biggest regret is not being able to support the Women’s Soccer League more since there aren’t any teams nearby.
What I Learned From Tickling Apes
I have been finding a lot of article lately about animals and how science treat their emotions. I get why scientists are so hesitant to say if animals feel pain, have emotions, and have similar problem solving skills to humans, but it seems equally naive that they wouldn’t have any.
Consumer Reports in the Age of the Amazon Review
I first was introduced to Consumer Reports by my Father in Law. He suscribed to the magazine, and I liked their rating system. They didn’t just go with the “best” they also took in practical things like money into consideration. In fact, a lot of the time the Walmart brand foods often would be ranked the best for the price (for things like ketchup.) I now rarely pick it up since the subscription is a hefty chunk. Instead I learned to use online product reviews, whether it be Amazon, Modcloth, or Target. This article brings up some great points like online reviewers are only reviewing one item. For example the person probably bought one TV, not 12 different ones to compare to each other. And they point out something I wasn’t aware of, which make sense, people being given free products to review on Amazon. The person still can say they live the product, but overall are less likely to take price into consideration.
Do Insects Have a Consciousness Ego?
Bugs get the short end of vegan stick. I sometimes have a hard time getting the warm and fuzzies for a fly. But it seems science is slowly starting to defend bugs as conscious creatures that deserve a little more respect. Although the article isn’t claiming much, it is an interesting step in the field to assume bugs are running on a little more than 100% automated instinct.
How the Media Got a Study About Vegetarianism Really, Really Wrong
Another case of bad journalism snowballing out of control. Apparently articles about how adopting a vegetarian diet put you at risk for heart disease and colon cancer. It’s udder crap. How much crap is it? Well apparently the authors of the study had to release a statement saying that wasn’t what they found in their study. To put it simply, the scientists found that societies who had adopted a vegetarian or near vegetarian diet developed a way to produce their own omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. If they then adopt a meat eating diet, their bodies will be flooded with too many fats, and will have health issues. Most writer confused hundreds of years of a vegetarian diet with a few years within ones lifetime. Nor does producing your own omega-3 and omega-6 make you sick, if you stick to a vegetarian diet.
Mary Ellen @ VNutrition
Great articles! Consumer reports still get used in my library often. I check it out when I’m looking to buy something a bit more expensive. I always take those online reviews with a grain of salt because some of the reviewers were given the items for free to endorse the product.
I feel the same way about some bugs. Like I won’t kill them but it’s hard not to swat at a fly if it’s being really annoying. Though if there’s a mosquito on me ready to strike, I’m pretty much going to take that guy down because he started it. Actually, I should be saying “she” because I think I read somewhere that all the blood suckers are female.
The reporting on that study is ridiculous. Makes me so angry. Don’t report on something if you don’t read it correctly!
I know! A lot of misinformation about health is because reporters aren’t trained to read studies. Which is sad since that is how majority of the population are about to find out the information.
Jennifer Bliss
Yup! And I heard one recently about breast cancer! Geez! They don’t even have the stats to back it up!
Good reads! My mom subscribes to Consumer Reports magazine and she’ll mail me copies whenever I’m about to make a fairly large purchase =) I use amazon reviews a lot, even if I’m not purchasing from amazon – there are some good points about how they may not be the best choice.
Oh the last article. You just can’t believe everything you read, right? I wonder who the study was funded by??? 😉
The study was actually fine- it was how the media was reporting it! They just got it completely wrong, to the point where the original scientist behind the study had to come out as say that wasn’t what he meant. That is just so crazy to me.
Yeah, I agree that Amazon might not be perfect but they are still really helpful. Even just looking at the general ranking of how many stars it overall has. If it gets to many 1 stars because something kept breaking that is probably a bad sign for that product!