Alexa is ready for the snow!
Hi everyone. I feel like I am failing blogging in 2016. The main two reasons is that one week I went to go visit my Grandfather in Florida. He hasn’t been in the greatest health lately, and even has been in a hospital for most of December with a bad case of clostridium difficile, which I read about in this article about feces enemas. Anyways, we booked a trip for the weekend to visit him once he got better. Let me tell you that trip was EXHAUSTING! I kid you not when I say it was non-stop socializing affair. It also was a humbling experience, I am so picky about the quality of my food but I had to take a deep breath and think about why I was there. I did NOT do any research about vegan friendly places. And I messed up. I eat out so little I forget what things are usually not vegan, like onion rings. But mistakes will be made, and I am just glad I don’t need to eat (crappy) salad again for lunch AND dinner.
All week I was trying to catch up on things from the previous weekend, and then the weekend after I went into NYC to celebrate Alexa’s birthday. It was tons of fun, except the karaoke bar that Alexa booked didn’t put in her reservation for the right day. So we had to book it to someplace different that wasn’t BYOB. Our bottles of soju got opened, and confiscated. No big deal, it was like $10. I was tipsy, and doing fine, then when we leave the guy hands me an open bottle of soju back… which was nice but I had no idea what to do with it. I was drunk enough to think chugging it would be a good idea. Uh… wrong. I quickly got super drunk, I am so glad Jon was with me because I don’t remember much from that night. And I had the worst hangover all Sunday, it even lingered into Monday morning. So let’s just say I was pretty frustrated with my very stupid decision. I should of asked that nice guy to just dump the stuff.
So I have a bunch of articles that I wanted to share over the course of several weeks. So sorry that the list is so long. But I need to break the silence on the blog. I hope everyone had a better weekend than me! I will also have some reviews on some restaurants from Disney and NYC.
A cool study on the effects of ultra marathoners
Women’s health is being ignored because of fat-shaming
I have to agree with this article- don’t join a gym.
I was thinking about making an exercise post like this, but this person got it so right.
People are surprised that I am not anti-GMOs. This article kind-of breaks down why, it is hard to define GMOs.
Extreme health diets are not new. Not saying everyone doesn’t have a grain of truth to their statements, but always use your brain. There is a lot of room food various types of food in your diet.
Gina from the Full Helping has some great tips on how to transition to a vegan lifestyle
Scientists Have Found Evidence That Fish Have Feelings Too
There is a Buddhist monk in South Korea making the most amazing looking vegan food
This is an interesting article about some of the not so great representation of veganism.
Other Stuff
If you already know that tardigrades don’t care, then you will find this article about tardigrade stealing DNA cool
I have totally forgotten to share this awesome blog post about ethical fashion by Annika.
Here are some badass women you probably didn’t hear about in 2015
Rolling Stones released this bizarro interview with David Bowie and William Burroughs
This video makes me so sad to see all this wasted food.