I am surprised that reflecting on previous and future years has been something consistent on this blog. I am not blogging as much as the past, but I want to try my best to stick with it because I know that I WILL have more time in the future. You know? If you are interested here are my old posts: 2015 | 2016 | 2018
But for now let’s reflect on my goals from last year-
Workout and Run More Often – This was a massive fail, as Wolfie hasn’t been into stroller that much anymore. I would get a few runs here and there but nothing long or consistent.
Photograph More Another massive fail.
Have a Cup of Tea Every Night I think I did pretty good with this. I didn’t have a cup of tea every night, but I think I have been drinking more tea, and I am also kind-of just admitting I just really like having only a few different types of teas. So I have been trying to get rid of the 10+ teas I do have and have it be a select few to choose from.
Get a New Job I got a new job and left it. I found that I probably won’t get one until certain things have changed in our living situation, things that are mostly out of my control for the time being.
Try and Lose Weight Another fail. I did not loose my pregnancy weight.
Read 20 Books Not bad, I was short one book (my goal was 32, 12 cookbooks, and 20 regular) but sadly most of the books were comics, sooo… not the best.
Bake at Lest ONE Successful Cake a Month Didn’t accomplish this, but I was happy with my posting from Vegan Mofo for 2018 though.
More Cookbook, Restaurant, and Recipe Reviews I did pretty well with this. I did a bunch of recipe roundups and cookbook reviews. Not so successful with restaurant reviews, it’s hard taking photos with a toddler guys.
Be More Patient with Wolfie as with anything, some days are better than others. I have been doing better with just going with his flow, letting him do his own thing and following along.
Update this layout! fail
This year most of my goals are centered around self image. I just want to feel better, eat more healthfully, and take better care of myself. It is really easy as a mother to give up certain things in your life, and as Wolfie becomes more independent I want to carve some time for myself.
Workout 3-4 Times a Week
Towards the end of 2018 I started to get the hang of working out again. I found that just doing a barre workout with Wolfie in the room way managable. Yes, sometimes he tries to stop me, or cries, but he is learning that it is a time that he has to play by himself. I want to try and get into the habit of doing it three or four times a week since it helps me feel better.
Reach 600 Read Books For Wolfie
If you have a kid and love the library you might of heard of the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge. It is pretty easy, just read 1,000 books before going to school. It makes sense why it should be easy, if you read 1 book before bed each night, you should be able to hit the target no problem. We read at least 3 books each night, and some during the day, so I decided to make my life harder and read 1,000 DIFFERENT books before kindergarten. We reached 200 before 2019, so I want to reach 600 before 2020. It is a stretch, but seeing how the year has been going so far, it isn’t impossible.
Loose the Last Baby Fat
When I made my goal last year to loose weight I think I was honestly at my original weight. But a lot of my motivation is that I would like to fit in my old clothes rather than buy new ones, and I liked how I felt when I ate more healthfully and worked out. So I might WEIGH the same, but I am not the same size nor feel the same. So I am begrudgingly actually dieting in the new year. I would like to loose MORE fat, and GAIN more muscle. We will see how it goes, because truthfully, restricting my food intake can make a grouchy Mom. Putting my happiness or my families happiness on the line for a smaller waistline isn’t an option.
Eat More Meals with Wolfie
I hate when people assume that vegan kids aren’t picky eaters. I mean sure my kid will eat some thing other kids will snub their nose at, but uh, I can’t get him to eat what I serve him ALL THE TIME. So I think it will help if I just sit down and eat almost the same meal with him.
Read 20 Books
I always try and set a goal for books and in general I want to read more books. 2017 I read 4,637 pages, only one was a cookbook and three were comics. 2018 I read 6,000 pages but eight were cookbooks and twelve were comics. So sure I read more, but I didn’t read as much that was culturally enriching.
Goodreads: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Update This Layout
NO EXCUSES! I gotta get this done. I really need to nag Jon to help me with this.
Dress Up More
It is so easy to put on some leggings and a junky shirt with Wolfie, but it can be a little depressing. I am sure anyone who works from home will agree, you just feel better when you look nice. Although I might not look great 24/7, I would like to put on some cute clothes when heading out for the day, even if it is just grocery shopping.
Dye My Hair a Fun Color
I recently JUST cut my hair since I don’t know when. Okay, well the last time I remember cutting my hair was before getting married, which has been many years ago. I am thinking about going to Talking Headz and bleaching my hair, then dying at home. I already have some dye picked out, but Talking Headz specializes in coloring hair and they use vegan products.
These are great goals for the new year! They are all achievable and I hope that you’ll share your fun new hair color with us! I know what you mean about dressing up more. I just don’t bother and it definitely affects how you feel.
Comic books totally count! Read what you enjoy!
I am goal free for this year. I fixate too much on things, numbers, goals, whatever. So I am trying to have no goals.
No goals is a great goal lol
Looks like you have some really good goals; the 1000 books before kindergarten challenge sounds neat! I’ve been wanting to dye my hair again, too, but keep putting it off; I’m hoping to get around to it soon!
Hopefully we will both see photos of fun hair in the future.