Hey everyone! This week has been weird. My work is moving locations so we are having a huge blowout sale. So my “job” has shifted from framing in the back with helping customers in the front. There is so much anticipation and excitement I am ready to explode! I am a little relieved that we FINALLY OFFICIALLY start to move today, even with the below zero windchill. But I’m getting a paid workout with all that heavy lifting right?
One thing that happened this week is that I discovered Lincoln had really sexy hair. I betcha he was the type of guy would spend hours in front of the mirror and then just play it off like he “woke up” that way. I also can’t help but think that if Lincoln lived today he would of been a male fashion model. I mean the hair, the cheek bones, the vacant stare- all model qualities.
Other cool things I did this week? I finished up reading Norwegian Wood, which was amazing! I went into Philadelphia twice, once for the Philadelphia Museum of Art and another time to get some coffee at an all vegan cafe. The coffee was good, but it was so nice to just go in a place and order ANYTHING off the menu. Oh and we FINALLY got some lovely snow yesterday. Not a lot but the flakes were big and pretty.
What’s in Those Supplements?
I think some people are surprised that I don’t take many supplements as a vegan. But the answer is easy for me, I have little trust in the industry. This article only came as half of a surprise. There was a Consumer Reports article awhile ago about vitamins and said that many brands didn’t have the advertised amount of supplementation. But this article blew me out of the water, major branding having zero of the advertised herbs? Crazy.
Super Food Lattes
I have a few latte recipes on the site, but since this winter hasn’t been so chilly I kind-of stopped making them. This post from The First Mess is giving me a little inspiration again to make some flavored hot drinks.

Coconut Oil Sugar Cookies
Everyone is flooding the blogosphere with chocolates and sugar cookies. I am not a huge sugar cookie fan, but Oh Lady Cakes seems to have a recipe that looks pretty solid. She also has the prettiest natural dyed icing I’ve seen yet. I am kind-of regretting making peanut butter blondies instead of these cookies right now.
Here (1989)
This awesome comic made my day. It has recently been revamped and published into a full length book, expanding on the idea. But you can read the original online, which I really dig the style more in the original than the new published book.
Super Expensive Korean Fruit
In the west we have fruit baskets, and we know they can be pretty expensive. But I always wondered if it was worth the price. Well, apparently Korea has even more expensive fruit, racking up at $13 per pear! Of coarse these are super pears and super apples, grown to be pretty, huge, and really sweet.