Oh boy. I am pooped. It has been a crazy past few days, and 95% of it toddler centered lol. I am not much of a mood to get into specifics, other than it has been effecting my time available for blogging. Mostly I am rushing a sewing job for a birthday gift, so the past two days my free time has been centered around tracing patterns and cutting out fabric. I am REEEAAALLY hoping the sewing part will go fast. *crosses fingers*

What’s Leftover

New Produce

I took way more okra than I intended. Oops. I wanted to try baking them in a recipe from Superiority Burger, but I have way more than needed… I think. I also took a bunch of peppers to make a fermented hot sauce and just pickle some jalapeños because it is handy for the winter. I purposely saved my green beans for a dish to make this week, so I am pretty excited to make that.

So here is the run down update of what I ate the past few days. It was too crazy so no photos, and I will try and post today’s food for tomorrow


I had work so I took the leftover soup and tossed it into a high protein bean noodle with some cherry tomatoes. I forgot to take a photo, nor was it particularly pretty anyways. Then for dinner we took the leftover peanut stew and tried baking it into a casserole with some rice, added tomato paste, cherry tomatoes, and some tempeh lightly grilled and spiced with a 5-Spice Blend. It really didn’t help that much. I did finish that cucumber sorbet and it was AMAZING! I ran out of a full fat coconut milk, so I used reduced fat and added an avocado. It helped improve flavor SOOOO much.


Saturday was a pretty over the top day, so we weren’t in the kitchen much. I had another okra cheese quesadilla, and dinner we used one of the new big tomatoes for a frozen burger. Jon ate a salad with his burgers. The plan was to eat some leftover green bean salad but that didn’t really happen. Yikes.

Has anyone else heard of ‘Italia Peppers’? Is this sort of a Jersey Italian thing?