Day 311: I took a few quick snaps at the farm of these flowers or were flowers
Day 312: Forgot to take a photo. Whomp whomp!
Day 313: There are some crab apples in my neighbors lawn.
Day 314: Toulouse waits for some food.
Day 315: Found a prettier crab apple to photograph, it almost looks like a cherry!
Day 316: Toulouse only let’s me photograph her when she is sleeping or eating. I think she doesn’t like the sound of the shutter in the camera.
Day 317: I was actually sick this day and made myself some hot pot soup. I was thinking about taking photos for a recipe for the blog, but I forgot to get a “cooked” photo.
Day 318: I did not get any photos today. Whomp whomp.
Day 319: Toulouse looked so cute on this retro blanket.
Day 320: Forgot to take a photo on Monday, I was actually running errands all day, trying to help tidy up my house to look more “home” like.
Day 321: I got home and the sky looked pretty amazing, so I snapped a quick shot.
Day 322: I walked downstairs and saw this funny visual of our cat pillow creepily looking over the couch. I had to take a quick photo.
Day 323: I’ve been really slipping with this photo a day prompt towards the end of the year. I haven’t been getting around as much as the beginning of the year when I use to walk to work, then I drove past more interesting things that I could stop and take a photo. I now drive past strip malls, malls, and industrial complexes. BORING! Oh and everything is dying at work.
Day 324: I left work during rush hour and drove past this one abandoned diner I’ve meaning to snap some photos of, but thought “oh it is too dark” then I as I drove by and notice in my rear view mirror it was actually really beautiful on the otherside where the sun was setting, and I could of gotten a really cool shot of the sunset with the run down sign, but I missed my chance. So I got home, took a photo with my iPhone of my drink. Better luck next time.
Hi there! I’ll be catching up on your blog today! So sorry about that! I just posted another entry on my blog. Not sure if you would be interested in this new project but if you are let me know!
Sarah Claire
I love your cat! Haha. Do you ever show Toulouse her photos to see if she recognises herself? Maybe that’s just something I do..
Also, there is NO EXCUSE for slipping up on the Photo a Day Challenge! (jk) I think the challenge is a good idea for encouraging you to spot the beauty in the mundane. That said; I’m too forgetful to do it myself!
I never thought to that- but then again that might be because my cat a lot of the time seems so disinterested in things. Like she will get all excited about playing with toys, and when i start playing with her, she’ll just sit them watching me twirl string around or watch the lazer pointer (sometimes just watching the pointer in my hand not the red lazer) So I feel like I would show my cat the photos and she would just be like “yeah that’s me, whatever” XD
A lot of the 365 is about forcing me to slow down sometimes. Like the past few days I’ve been seeing some awesome sunsets on my way home. It is so much easier to try and beat the traffic, but I am trying to slow down, take a photo and enjoy the beauty.