Day 227: I keep forgetting that when I go to my CSA to pick up my weekly share that there are tons of yummy garlic curing all on the roof rafters. I finally took a photo of them.
Day 228: Driving home Jon and I saw a huge deer family. There were lots of does and fawns. We tried to pull over to get some shots but it was getting dark and my first time shooting animals with my telephoto lens. Not the best pictures but we all need to start somewhere right?
Day 229: Toulouse decided to sleep on our comforter that smelled like a moldy basement. I spent all of Monday waiting for her to stop sleeping on it so I could give it a proper wash. Sadly, it still smelled nasty and it got thrown out. Sorry cat!
Day 230: There were so many cicada skins all over my work.
Day 231: When walking up to my work, I saw a bunny in the front lawn. I took out my camera trying to get a photo as fast as I could. As she ran away I tried using my continual shot option, and got the same body stance. So it looks like the bunny was running in sync with my camera shutter speed!
Day 232: Nope not my CSA. My bosses are growing some cashaw squash on the business property. And I will get some this fall!
Day 233: Went back and got a shot of the vine curly qs!
I LOVE curly-Q’s on veggies! And that bug OMG creepy! Bunnies, tho! Awww
Yeah the bug is extra creepy because it is just the skin. I remember being so freaked out by them when I was little.