Jenny happened to do one of these posts a little while back – so I thought I would do the same! Seeing as I am a Cartoonist, my list will definitely be more on the Comics end of things, which is great! I am excited to share all of these new stories and artists with you all.
These will be in no particular order as far as which I liked most or least, it’s just a list of some of the things that have been standing out to me when I read them.
1. “Saga” by Brian K. Vaughn & Fiona Staples (Image Comics)

Unfortunately I couldn’t take a physical photo of my copy of “Saga”…it is packed away in a box right now. And volume 2 is waiting to be read!
I had been told many times to pick up this series – and holy cow. Everyone who was recommending it to me was 100% correct. I love it. After the first three pages I was completely enthralled. The art is beautiful and the writing is solid. I am new to Fiona Staples’ artwork, but it is breathtaking! I have been a fan of Vaughn’s writing for a little while, so it’s no surprise to me that I am enjoying this story.