These past two weeks…. oh man have they’ve been something. My blog was being hosted by my lovely friend Jamie. Sadly she decided that she wouldn’t be able to keep her hosting services since of various things including money and poor hosting service. I stress the poor hosting service because it has been causing a headache for me. The company she used is slow to reply to help requests, goes down often (which I think more international readers have been at the end of that stick), and general crumminess. The server went down, no big deal, except I freaked out that it was 100% gone forever since Jamie mentioned getting rid of the hosting service (I know I was being irrational, but couldn’t shake that thought.) Then when I came back up, I backed my XML posts, and tried to connect to the FTP… and just couldn’t get it to connect. Turns out, my password was wrong, and the program I used wasn’t compatible. So my IP was blocked, and I couldn’t see anything from my computer. Worse it seemed all Mac FTPs were being blocked as well. So weird. So I had to ask so many favors from Jamie about backing up my files, sending them over, etc. And I felt bad because I had over 2 GB of images for the blog!
Good news? We are moved to our server, and has given my husband a boost in interest to help my blog out more. He is helping me compress my photo files, which means faster loading times for you guys. I am also hoping to improve my search engine crap and work on a new layout that won’t be too boring, but a little more mainstream. Bad news? If you go into our older posts you might find some broken images. I am slowly fixing that
But since it has been so long, I have a bunch of links to share. Some are quick reads, some are opinion pieces, and some are total fluff. Hope you guys enjoy them and I will have more new posts coming up soon next week.
Laura Izumikawa on Instagram
Let’s start with the fluff! I am not going to be one of those people who will flood you with ooey-gooey Mom stuff, but I need to share this. Even if you don’t like kids, you’ll love these photos. Laura Izumikawa takes photos of her cute baby while she’s asleep. There are some athletes, cartoon characters, anime, nerdy stuff, and pop stars. If you haven’t already seen all the news articles featuring her photos, check out her instagram.

Black Health Matters
Nothing makes my blood boil more than hearing people make gross racist remarks like “oh black people don’t exercise” or “people on welfare just eat garbage.” What makes it worse is they never seem to care to make a change about that. So when I read about grassroots movements of trying to get free exercise and wellness programs for low income or people of color, I get really excited. If you want more inspirational reads you can check out this Mosaic Podcast episode about the diabetes epidemic in Harlem.
The best 100 films of the 21st century, according to 177 film critics around the world
I don’t talk too much about it but I am a film nerd. I love movies, and I rarely get off my butt to watch them. Why? I am not interested in blockbusters… like at all. In fact my husband and I have lots of debates over stuff because I think his “greatest films” are kind-of just fluff. *cough* steven spielberg *cough* If you didn’t already picked up that I am pretentious art school student graduate, you now officially know. Anyways, even people who love blockbusters are getting sick of all these sequels and “reboots.” So if you are looking for something new but different, check out this list. I am wanting to watch the ones we haven’t seen before… which is a lot. I’ve only seen about a quarter of the list but here are the films I think everyone should check out (when you have night to really watch a movie) Note- these are my favorites from the list or ones I think that are a little less known, so you know keep that in mind.
- Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, 2012)
- Let the Right One In (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
- The Pianist (Roman Polanski, 2002)
- Her (Spike Jonze, 2013)
- A Serious Man (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2009)
- City of God (Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, 2002)
- Oldboy (Park Chan-wook, 2003)
- WALL-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)
- The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2012)
- The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson, 2014)
- Synecdoche, New York (Charlie Kaufman, 2008)
- Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón, 2006)
- Inside Llewyn Davis (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2013)
- No Country for Old Men (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2007)
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
- Spirited Away (Hayao Miyazaki, 2001)
- There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007)
- In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-wai, 2000)
Vegan Mofo 2016 Returns
Vegan Mofo will be returning this year! The announcement was made while I was blocked from my server and transferring files so at first I was overwhelmed with the thought of doing it again. I think I will be trying it out again this year with Alexa’s help. But truthfully we will see how often a post since it will be during the 9th month of pregnancy (yikes!) But I had so much fun doing it in 2015 and 2014 that I just had to.
These Folks Went Vegetarian Back When It Was Way Uncool
This is a brief look at the first vegetarians restaurants in the world. It is interesting to see how vegetarianism have evolved over the years, and how Hitl has stayed the same. I would love to visit it sometimes, but I wonder if they have many vegan options (it seems to have a lot of eggs and dairy in the recipes). Still a fun slice of history.
Exercising Regularly Saves You Money, Assuming You Don’t Have ClassPass
I’ve always been one to recommend people go out and get some exercise. I don’t think you need to go to a gym, but I know some people thrive with the direction (especially early on.) This study shows that maybe health insurance companies should cover gym classes. It does show to save some money. Even still, walking 30 minutes a day still does the body some good.
Women Who Eat Full-Fat Yogurt Are Happier, So Don’t Believe the Smug Lady in Yoplait-Light Commercials
Okay, so I find the title of this article more interesting than anything else. A quick summary is that women who eat full fat yogurt have less depression than women who eat the light stuff. There isn’t any direct correlation with fat consumption and depression. It could be because there is more sugar added to the low-fat stuff or could be that women who are depressed are more concerned about weight gain. I take it as better body image equals better mind.
Why Fidgeting Is Good Medicine
And if you made this far- congrats! This is a surprising article about fidgeting. We all know sitting down for long periods of time can be bad for our bodies. So scientists wanted to see if fidgeting would help counter the negative effects. And it kind-of does! Sure it better to not sit down for several hours, but it is a great way to counteract it if you have no choice.
So sorry to hear about all the blog hosting issues, what a pain; glad you’re back now, though! I’m excited about Vegan MoFo, too!
Yup. Glad that is over with and have full control over the blog again.
Mary Ellen @ VNutrition
The hosting situation must have been so stressful! So glad you got it fixed.
Loved all your links. I’m not a baby person but I thought that Instagram account was hysterical! I also love Wes Anderson movies and am really excited about MoFo!
I know! She comes up with some creative ideas for costumes. It probably stems from my love for Halloween.
Interesting movie list… that WALL-E being better than Finding Nemo? I think not! I’ve seen a few of the movies on that list, but not even close to half!
That is very frustrating about the blog hosting issues. Glad it is mostly sorted out.
haha… I personally loved WALL-E more, but I think Finding Nemo is much more family friendly. Not say kids don’t like WALL-E either, but I think kids find Finding Nemo more relatable.
Yikes! I always get panicky when the “behind the scenes” things happen with my blog because it is really not my strength. I have no idea what to do or how to fix things. I’m lucky my husband helps me out with that.
Sounds like you’re getting back on track though =)
I’m not a mom… but those are some super cute baby pictures 😉
“people on welfare just eat garbage.” Ugh. Hate this stereotype. As someone who volunteers at a foodbank and helps to ensure people on welfare get fresh produce each and every week, it makes me pretty darned angry. I’m totally into all movements that want to help people – that’s definitely what the world needs more of. Less judging, more helping!
I’m a movie nerd too… but more like your husband. But I appreciate all movies and will definitely check this list out. I’ve seen several that you listed above, I’ll check out the full list though.
Yay! Let’s be MoFo buddies! I think that’s actually how we met last year. I’m going to take part too. Honestly, it sounds much less scary this year. It sounds a lot easier and less stressful. Should be fun =)
I am lucky enough to have been to Hitl… twice on a trip to Switzerland last summer. It is probably my favourite veg restaurant ever. The food is amazing. Pricy, but totally worth it if you get the chance to check it out. It’s all buffet style and the labels are pretty good and we found a TON of vegan options.
Good reads!
While reading that Hitl article I was thinking “didn’t I read a blog post about this???” It must of been yours! I doubt I will be going to Switzerland anytime soon, but my in-laws went within the past month. I’m a little jealous. XD
Cute that your partner can help – I find all the hosting and server stuff a bother…like wtf is happening and yeah haha
Your layout isn’t boring, but updates are fun. I’ve changed my layout ike a million times, because it keeps fools on their toes lol.
I find the issues with racism to be so bizarre. I know Aust is horrible, but I find the weird stereotypes – black people don’t exercise – where does that sort of thing come from? I will note that in my area poor people do eat garbage…trolleys of absolute shit all piled in. But a packet of seeds is $2 you know? Grow it.
Interesting film list! I find the uber violent ones difficult – like “No Country for Old Men” but I’ve actually only read the book. “The Pianist” is rad. Did you see “Ratatoille” got in? BTW, you can update this post in 2 years once you’ve had a baby, because you’ll be picking all of the weird kids films as your favourites, because you’ve seen them 50x!
I liked:
87. Amelia
100. Requiem for a Dream
78. Wolf of Wall Street
53. Moulin Rouge
51. Inception
17. Pan’s Labrynth <3
That's it, really. And So many poor choices – 19. Mad Max?! 7. Tree of Life?!
YAY to MOFO. I can see my yellow rice dish pic in the corner there.
I'm sorry I've written a novel again.