Some of the problems with Christmas shopping as a vegan you kind-of get stuck with the issue of how “vegan” does my gift need to be? I am always grappled with the problem of balancing ethics with what other people want. If my sister wants leather shoes, do I get it? What about a BBQ cookbook? I don’t try and SELL veganism with my gifts, but I try and make sure all my gifts are vegan themselves.
Well, I am working on a gift giving guide, and this time I focus on BOOKS! Some books are pretty good for people who aren’t vegan themselves, but may have a little bit of a vegan agenda to them. Hopefully you might end up solving one of your gift problems with this list.
Do Unto Animals – $14
This is definitely the book for your animal loving friend. When I first heard of this book I knew I had to own it. Your friend might not be vegan, but maybe they work at a stable, take of animals on a farm, volunteer at a shelter, work at a zoo, or is that crazy cat lady. Hopefully these passionate passages will inspire your friend to get rid of meat and dairy from their diet.
Vegan Tacos – $16
I recommended this book since it actually made it on my sister’s wishlist on it’s own! This is a great way to get people to go vegan since it provides a hearty medium to eat vegan food (a taco shell!). Let’s face it, when people first go vegan, they don’t know what to eat, so they think salads. These tacos are fairly omni-friendly, though there are some recipes for fake meats and cheeses.
The Taco Cleanse – $13
Got a friend who won’t stop dieting? Well hopefully most of my readers know that diet culture is a sham, and that’s why I LOVE this cookbook poking some fun at this whole detox culture trying to hide healthy with loosing weight. All recipes are vegan and are great for your body. And I can assure you this will be a much more fun detox than a juicing cleanse.
Eating Animals – $12
Do you have a friend who is waffling between being vegetarian or eating meat? Or maybe your friend has taken up the habit of buying only organic, free-range, ethically killed meat? Well Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer might be the book for them. Jonathan Safran Foer explores the meat industry, but not as much of factory farming as the smaller farms that are trying to treat animals well. It is a great book about veganism, but is written by a fiction writer, giving people the chance to read the book openly.
Salad Samurai – $13
Omni friends and family will love this book. I originally got this book for my mother who said she wanted to eat more veggies. Being the stealthy vegan me, I got this book thinking “doesn’t have vegan in the title, and Terry Hope Romero is a great cook.” At the time my Mother lived with my sister while relocating for jobs, and my sister liked the book so much she proceeded to buy it for herself. So yeah, Terry knows how to get people pumped for salads.
The Drunken Botanist – $14
I like to drink, I will admit that. But it actually took awhile for me to get into cocktails, it is so confusing and many places make drinks that taste more sugar than booze. The Drunken Botanist explores cocktails at their root ingredients- plants. Beer, wine, vodka, bourbon, and booze in general doesn’t come off a vegan thing, but this book makes you realize how plants shape our drinks.
Vegan Richa’s Indian Kitchen – $14
Another cookbook for omni-people. We all know that the vegan lifestyle seems to heavily base itself on the food. It will make a bigger impact overall. But Western cuisine isn’t very vegan friendly. But getting Vegan Richa’s Indian Kitchen helps the transition. For starters, Indian cuisine can be very vegan friendly to begin with, so newbies won’t be weirded out. The food is also packed with flavors, are super easy, and doesn’t have a crazy ingredients list.
Babe the Gallant Pig – $7
Got some grandkids? Nieces or nephews? Want to slowly brainwash them to join the vegan army? Well you can start with Babe the pig. I remember reading this in grade school and talking about how the author conveys a vegetarian message. You could buy the movie, but kids need to read more anyways, right?
A nice list. I have been hearing really good things about Do Unto Animals, it sounds like it would be a lovely read.
I also think I am the last vegan on earth who does not have the Taco Cleans or the Indian Kitchen book! I should get on that.
I do sometimes buy non-vegan cookbooks for my non-vegan mother, but she generally just likes to read cookbooks and not make anything from them. Lately she has been wanting to cook a bit more from them though, so I will have to get her something different from now on!
Yeah, I think I guilty of doing the same as your mother, looking through most of my cookbooks instead of actually using them. I go through stints of loving cookbooks and not. But I think I read and absorb what the author is doing, especially with cookbooks that focus on cuisine from a specific region.
These are a good idea for a Christmas present! ^-^
I’m going to buy one of them for a friend of mine!
Thanks for sharing, I love your blog (:
Mary Ellen @ VNutrition
I’ve been so interested in the Taco Cleanse! I heard great things about that and Do Unto Animals. I have had the Salad Saumrai in my amazon cart for the past few months and have not yet clicked to buy it – I’m not sure why because I’m always looking to step up my salad game.
My sister loves the book, just yesterday she said her favorite recipe is the samosa potato salad. I wish I would get it for Christmas! XD I still don’t actually own it.