
Alexa is working toward a vegetarian diet, and is loaded with questions. Jennifer’s got answers. We talk about anything as long as it is vegan. Are tattoos vegan? How do I politely not eat Thanksgiving dinner? How do I order without pissing off the waitress? We know you are dying to ask!

asksalexaI feel so bad saying no to Girl Scouts, so are there any vegan cookies to buy from them?

I swear those sneaky girl scouts! Everyone breaks their diets in order to “help out” the girls scouts and buy lots of cookies. It is so hard to say no when you see a group of girls sitting out in the rain trying to sell cookies, or explain to a little girl about how animals are treated badly for eggs and milk.

Well, there are now lots of options for vegans, but it gets complicated. Not all cookies are available in all regions of the United States. Some cookies have different recipes, so depending on your region it may or may not be vegan! Every year there are new cookies, and some get discontinued, so keep in mind, this list will get outdated. Their website will list if cookies are vegan on their cookies page, but you can always read the ingredients as well. Check for milk being listed as an allergen, then eggs in the ingredients list.

Thin Mints

mtc_thinmint_abcThis is the easiest cookie to grab as a vegan since it is one of the most popular recipe.There are two different factories that make thin mints, but both use a vegan recipe and you should be good wherever you buy. These are the iconic cookie from girl scouts that probably will never go away until girl scouts stop selling cookies and hell freezes over. 


Peanut Butter Patties

mtc_pbtag_abcThis is one of those cookies that vary from region to region. If you pick up “Tagalongs” then it will contain dairy, and therefore aren’t vegan. These have always been my favorite as a kid, so it is annoying that nobody seems to sell the “peanut butter patties” near me, just the “tagalongs.” These are another girls scout classic so you will most likely see one of the two variations.


mtc_thanks_abcIs it just me but do these cookies seem a little sarcastic? It is sort of like a little reminder as you are eating that you should of bought more and more cookies. I remember finding these cookies and the one with the girl scout logos a little weird. It would be like buying pencil shaped cookies at a school bake sale. Any-who, these are pretty basic, shortbread cookies with chocolate coating on the bottom. Thanks girl scouts for being so creative.


mtc_lemon_abcSpeaking of creativity, they had a chance to capitalize on Thanks-A-Lot theme and name these LemonAIDs. You know, you are AIDING the girl scouts. But they didn’t. Their loss. Now they’ll have to pay me lots of money for the idea. These are kind-of like Thank-A-Lots but with lemon “creme” on the bottom instead of chocolate. Frankly I remember these being disgusting, but clearly people keep buying them. They’ve been around for 10-some-years.

Cranberry Citrus Crisps

mtc_crancc_abcEnter the faux healthy cookies. These cookies boast their healthiness with whole wheat, dried cranberries, and barley malt syrup. Which sounds healthy except it does still have regular processed wheat and regular old sugar in the recipe. The girl scout website doesn’t give their official “vegan” stamp of approval. I am unsure if this was sloppiness, or the possibility of a non-vegan ingredient in the “natural flavors.”

NOTE: All photos are taken from the Girl Scout’s website to make it easier for buying cookies. The faster you find your cookies, the faster the girls can sell cookies to other person. See- I am only helping the girl-cookie market!