Shirt: Fervour via Modcloth | Pin: Vintage | Pants & Belt: Target | Shoes: Blowfish
First let me talk about how I added new buttons on the side. There are some new blogs that Alexa and I have been following and I wanted to reflect that. I made new cute and chubby buttons, and made a new page with a link to ALL the blogs we follow. I didn’t realize how many there were on feedly and bloglovin until I made a big list. So check those all out!
I kind-of forgot why I like having fashion posts. I forget why I think fashion blogs are a powerful movement. We all know that there are tons of standards of beauty, and we even get told things that contradict each other (like my Grandma saying I was too thin, but fashion models are clearly thinner than me). But fashion blogs give the people the power to say what is in. Sure there are lots of fashion blogs with really common body types in the industry. There are also some that are totally different.
There are blogs we follow that have skinny girls, girls with glasses, girls who are curvy, girls who are short, sizes that are large, girls who have wide thighs, girls who are flat, whatever. It really puts into perspective that we all have different body types. In fact, most of the fashion blogs I follow tend to have totally different fashion senses and body types.
I think Kate from Scathingly Brilliant made a great point in her Truth in Fashion post– posing in front of a camera in outfits really helps your self confidence. When I first started to do fashion posts I harped a lot over how I looked, little wrinkles in my clothes, my belly poking out, my arm looking fat whatever. But I learned a few things
1) I learned how I look good while posing. Sometimes I look awkward in a photo and that okay. We all can’t be perfect, so never get discouraged about a “bad picture.” In between taking my own photos and getting photos taken professionally for my wedding, I learned some people are just bad at taking photos. I had a string of bad photos taken of me in college, so when wedding photos came along I was a little nervous. When I got them back and saw that I looked great, I finally came to the conclusion some people are simply bad at taking photos. There is a difference between getting candid photos taken and being able to pose. Confidence in yourself makes a big difference on how you look.
2) Accept how I look. I look the way I look, and somethings I can change with make up or certain styles. But there is a difference from how you look on camera compared to real life, which is a big thing to discover. Some people “know” but it is really hard to understand until you start jumping in front of a camera.
3) Contrapposto Bitches! If you took an art history class or learned about Greek and Roman sculpture you probably had to learn about contrapposto. If you never heard of the term, it is basically when I body is posed with one leg bent/flexed, while the opposite arm is bent/flexed. In the process it slants your hips and shoulders. Once you get it, you notice that models today pretty much replicate the look. It is the secret to posing for every body type and sex.
I only mention these things since sometimes I feel a little silly posting photos of myself. But honestly, I think everyone should be doing it. Everyone needs to get over their fears about getting their photo taken because the fear of it really makes people tense. The end result is more bad photos.
Cool top and blog!!!
raechel @rebel grrrl living
I love this outfit (I’m obsessed with big collars!), and I love your reflection on fashion posts! I feel like you are inspiring me to maybe do a fashion post here and there : )